Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Washington Wildflowers: The New Standard in Wildflower Smartphone Apps

Mark Turner is one of the finest nature photographers in the country. His images have appeared on the covers and in the pages of Garden Design, Sunset, American Gardener, Horticulture, Organic Gardening, Birds and Blooms as well as in numerous garden books. He also co-authored Wildflowers of the Pacific Northwest, an American Horticultural Society Book Award winner. Mark also co-authored Trees & Shrubs of the Pacific Northwest with Ellen Kuhlmann. 

When Mark showed me the Washington Wildflowers app I was completely overwhelmed by the stunning quality of the images and the depth of information! University of Washington Herbarium at the Burke Museum provided the cultural information and database. High Country Apps provided the software and of course, Mark supplied the images. Whether you are a novice plant lover or have a Ph.D. in Plant Science this user friendly app has something for you. The Washington Wildflowers app costs just $7.99 and a portion of revenues go back to University of Washington Herbarium to fund conservation and botanical exploration in the region.

It contains 850 (!) common wildflowers, shrubs, and vines that occur in Washington and adjacent areas of British Columbia, Idaho, and Oregon. The majority of species included are native, but introduced species common to the region are covered as well in order to expand the usefulness of this resource. Once downloaded and installed, the app does not need an Internet or cell phone connection to run so, you can use it no matter how remote your wanderings take you. Mark, an avid outdoorsman himself, now takes the app on hikes instead of his books.

Available through:

Bringing life to Your Garden!
Have fun out there!

Peggy Anne

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A little Goes a Long Way

Good News About Monarchs

The number of overwintering monarchs is expected to rise during the winter of 2014-2015.
Dr. Chip Taylor of Monarch Watch expects the overwintering population of monarchs in Mexico to be at least 1.4 hectares this winter, twice as large as last year. Though he cautions that without a recovery plan and more than a million acres of restored habitat, we are not out of the woods just yet. Even so, in my mind a little good news about monarchs goes a long way!

Check the peak migration times in your area. Do you have native nectar plants in bloom for them? 
The Best Milkweed for Your Area
The University of Minnesota has a Monarch Joint Venture program that encourages people to plant milkweed. Monarchs lay their eggs on milkweed plants and they are the only plants monarch caterpillars can eat. Check out their beautiful guide to see which milkweed plants are native to your area.

The graph shows how much fat a typical monarch has each month. Extra nectar is stored as fat for winter survival.  
Get Involved

Journey North, is a project that engages citizen scientists in a global study of wildlife that includes monarchs. Their website is full of great information. They have a free, new science app for your mobile phone. With the new app you can track the migration, report your sightings, take pictures and leave comments.
 If you don't have a mobile phone you can report your sightings here

They also have some fun booklets and slide shows for your kids. 

Download your free app here.
Look for more information on planting a butterfly garden, butterfly life cycles and special relationships between native plants and butterflies on our American Beauties Native Plants website. Enjoy our butterfly garden landscape plans here.

Bringing Life to Your Garden!

Have fun out there,

Peggy Anne

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Growing for Futures with the National Garden Bureau


  I was in Chicago last month for the Independent Garden Center trade show. Don’t tell my bosses but I skipped out on the last day of the show to go and see a garden that my friend Diane Blazek was so excited about. Diane is the executive director of the National Garden Bureau and they have chosen the Growing Solutions Farm in Chicago as a beneficiary of its annual fundraising effort. Growing Solutions Farm is a vocational program of the Julie + Michael Tracy Family Foundation/Urban Autism Solutions.

The one-acre garden was beautiful, immaculately kept and cared for. It produces hundreds of pounds of food in what would otherwise be an urban food desert.  The young adults with autism work together with an urban farmer, vocational coach, teachers, volunteers and agency staff to develop skills that can lead to career opportunities in the agriculture, horticulture, food processing and distribution industries. The kids not only plant and care for the garden, they are also learning how to cook and eat fresh fruit and vegetables. They will also be involved in selling the produce in farmer’s market style. This kind of interaction is a critical step in their development. I met the urban farmer, a determined and caring woman with more than enough credentials to run the project. I also met the teachers and was shown how their studies were set up; they include everything from planting to business etiquette; things you and I would probably take for granted. For instance, how to have a break time at work, broken down in steps they can follow. Like, how do you know when break is over? To say I was impressed with the project would be a giant understatement.

The best part of the day was meeting all of the kids. We arrived at snack time and they were gobbling up organic salads with tomatoes from their garden. Many gave me their hand and one young man wrote me a two-page letter about the garden and Walt Disney. We posed for a picture and I had to hug Diane for taking so much time out of her busy day to bring me there.

These kids are proud of their garden and like every single one of us, would like to have a meaningful job. The scope of this project exceeded my expectations by a mile and I believe it will truly prepare them to have an even more meaningful future. Growing for Futures is the perfect name for this project. If you can donate any amount – please, please do.

In an innovative twist, each donor contribution will translate into a tangible item needed by the garden. For example, a $10 donation will purchase a watering nozzle; a $25 donation will buy 50-feet of watering hose and so on. The NGB also hopes to garner another $20,000 through donated supplies from horticulture businesses.

Bringing Life to Your Garden!

Have fun out there, Peggy Anne

For more information from the National Garden Bureau please contact
Jon Kaplan at: 312-342-4304, or jkaplan@greenmarkpr.com 

Friday, August 29, 2014

Fairy Tales and Gardening Trends

I just returned from the Independent Garden Center trade show in Chicago. I went to visit our American Beauties licensed growers and to check out the latest trends. I recall last year the colors of pots and other products were very “in your face” but the pallets of colors seem to be softening somewhat this year. There is also a definite trend toward Asian design. I can certainly see the connection between the implied serenity of the artwork and the spirituality of gardening for many people.

What really jumped out at me this year were fairy gardens. Now, I grew up on fairy tales and I like fairies as much as the next guy but I always thought fairy gardening was kind of silly. Since it was impossible to ignore them, I started to take a closer look at he displays. Many were incredibly intricate; some even had trains running through them. The ones with vegetable gardens in them won me over. I probably won't build one in my yard but I will encourage the children in my life to give it a try.

We’re always talking about how to reach the next generation in this business so why not start kids off young. With a good dose of fresh air and imagination required, fairy gardening might just be what the doctor ordered to combat nature-deficit disorder.

Bringing life to your garden!

Have fun out there!  
Peggy Anne

Note to Self - Market Viola walterii 'Silver Gem' to the wee folk!

Monday, August 18, 2014

He Said, She Said

What Garden Writers Think About Native Plants and Organic Gardening Products

We three amigos are just back from the National Garden Writers Symposium in Pittsburgh. We had a fantastic time catching up with old friends and making new ones. Everyone loved the booth and our groovy giveaways that included; worm castings from Organic Mechanics, compost tea bags from SustÃ¥ne Natural Fertilizer, a swamp milkweed plant from American Beauties Native Plants and a great reusable cotton bag with our slogan "Together We Can Make a Difference."

We asked garden writers to tell us why native plants and organic gardening products were important to them and their readers. One lucky winner was drawn from from the fish bowl full of answers and they won a Monarch Release from The Liberty School and Butterfly Farm & Garden - thank you so much for the donation Liberty School!

The answers were quite interesting. We'd also love to here from you! Write to us here or on Facebook.

I'm off to the next trade show!
Bringing Life to Your Garden
Have fun out there!
Peggy Anne

In no particular order….

Safety, no harmful pesticides, peace of mind, for edibles and cut flowers.

Sustainable landscapes provide a circle of life relevant to flora and fauna.

We built the finest greenhouses in the world – we love supporting these products.

People are afraid of the health risks on humans from chemicals.

I’ve been gardening organically for many years. When I lecture or publish, I emphasize the importance of using native plants to support wildlife especially for winged creatures.

I work at an organic botanical garden and have adopted that lifestyle at home.

It takes a whole ecosystem to grow a healthy garden.

If you look at a map of where monarchs have been most affected Iowa is one of the hardest hit. We have a group called The Monarchs of Eastern Iowa that’s doing a lot of work. Iowa used to be covered with native plants – we need more!

Sustainability is important because we must be thinking about how this world is affected by our actions.

I am a school instructor. My students are very interested in sustainable living, urban agriculture etc. !!!

First, do no harm!

More awareness for organic sustainability to protect local bees, plants and animals.

Better in every way.

No/less contamination from man’s hand on this land.

We live atop the Edwards Aquifer in Texas. Native plants help us conserve the water supply and organic products help us avoid polluting the aquifer.

We need native plants and organic products to protect our soil.

Better for the environment and future generations.

Promotes healthy soil, healthy, happy people and healthy, vibrant plants.

There are too many pollutants in the environment. We need to be more organic.

Greater success in the garden = greater happiness!

As a teacher I find it important to teach student about biodiversity

Preserve natural heritage.

People like choices. Native plants are gaining interest as more people become aware of them. Earth – diversity – sustainability makes a better planet for us all.

We need to pass information along to everyone on how to sustain our earth!

To feed pollinators!

Because they are part of a system that keeps us and other creatures alive.

Oh, they are SO important. I have grandchildren and pets and I don’t want to risk their health. Also, I LOVE native plants!

Native plants encourage native birds and butterflies.

Contamination of the ground.

Passing along this planet to my kids in a way I want to pass it on…

They are part of helping people to feel they are being part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Also, people are very interested in avoiding materials that could make them, their kids or pets unwell.

Birds, bees and butterflies!

Because they sustain the same web of life that sustains us – because without them we might as well -  Pave Paradise and Put Up a Parking Lot!

Just one world, we must take care of it.

In general they work better in our climate and soil.

As the head of my town’s conservation council, I am forever promoting milkweed for monarchs. As the owner of a large design / build firm, I try to encourage natives to all my clients. And, as a blogger I try to push natives to all.

I can’t think of any reason why NOT being organic could be acceptable as normal gardening. Everything is connected. We gardeners need to sustain life from the soil to the treetops!

Sustainability is cool stuff  - no to inorganic chemicals.

Because our children need a cleaner planet.

Because they support our ecosystems.

To protect and preserve butterflies and other pollinators.

Sustainable is the new way.

Many people today are concerned about the safety of their children and neighborhoods; they want to be sure their gardens are doing good for the world.

Because we are trying to educate homeowners on the importance of inviting pollinators to our neighborhoods.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

¡Three Amigos! or What Garden Writers Means to Me

Proud to wear the badge!
Next week I get to go to the Garden Writers National Symposium in Pittsburgh.  I‘ve been a member of this organization for about 15 years and to say it changed my life would be an understatement. Each year we meet in a different city. There is a quirky trade show the first two nights with some folks dressed in crazy costumes and visitors sipping cocktails while trying to spot the latest gardening trends. There is a solid line up of educational seminars taught by the best in the business. And, there are tours, tours to the most beautiful public and private gardens in the United States.

The first time I met Dan in person - GWA 2006
Because I lived in Holland for such a long time, I hadn’t seen much of the U.S. Garden Writers opened my mind to all the beauty our country has to offer. It has taken me away from my desk and surrounded me with people that love horticulture as much as I do. I always come home feeling refreshed and excited. Over the years I’ve made the most amazing friendships, not least of which was my husband Dan Benarcik of Chanticleer Gardens. I’m counting the days to hug my old friends and welcome new ones into my life.

GWA is better than match.com
I’m especially excited this year because I will be exhibiting with two other companies that I believe in whole heartedly; Organic Mechanics Soil Company and SustÃ¥ne Natural Fertilizer. We are the ¡Three Amigos! Our tag line will be “Together We can Make a Difference.” We believe that together as a team, together as garden communicators and together as good citizens we can make positive changes to our environment.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead

Bringing Life to Your Garden!
Have Fun Out There, Peggy Anne

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A New Environmental Film - Hometown Habitat!

They Need Your Help to Produce This Film
Bee Part of the Action - Make Your Donation Today!

Catherine Zimmerman (The MeadowProject) has teamed up with Doug Tallamy and the Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council to produce a new film on native plants called Hometown Habitat! This 90-minute documentary focuses on how and why native plants are critical to the survival and vitality of local ecosystems.  Entomologist Doug Tallamy provides the narrative and sounds the alarm about habitat and species loss. The message: “We can change the notion that humans are here and nature is some place else.  It doesn’t have to, and shouldn’t be that way.” Each individual has the power to conserve resources, restore habitat for wildlife and bring beauty to their patch of earth.  
I'm so proud of American Beauties Native Plants for being the very first organization to sponsor a minute of this important film!

  Would your company like to sponsor a minute? Make a tax deductible donation today!

“Donating funds to make this documentary film possible was the right thing to do. It’s important work, and what better way to convey the message about native plants, pollinators and larval foods than by seeing the relationship first hand.Surely, if a picture is worth a thousand words, then a movie is worth a million.”- Steve Castorani Co-owner of American Beauties Native Plants
“By sponsoring a minute of production, American Beauties becomes the first organization to support the making of Hometown Habitat. We are thrilled!  We can not travel to tell these inspiring habitat hero stories without the financial backing from organizations and individuals, who are dedicated to promoting native plants. Thanks American Beauties for helping us kick this off!”
 - Catherine Zimmerman

About The Author
Catherine Zimmerman, an award-winning director of photography, has over 30 years of experience in documentary filmmaking with an emphasis on education and environmental issues. Environmental videos of hers include global warming documentaries for CNN Presents and New York Times Television; Save Rainforests/Save Lives, Freshfarm Markets, Wildlife Without Borders: Connecting People and Nature in the Americas, and America’s Sustainable Garden: United States Botanic Garden.

Bringing Life to Your Garden!
Have fun out there!
Peggy Anne

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

There’s No Place Like Home!

I was sitting at my desk this morning wondering what to write about. I looked through a pile of papers I keep in the ‘Please Read Me’ file and checked my notes online. I thought of writing about Greenhouse Growers June issue that’s dedicated to Protecting Pollinators. The spokes woman from the Xerces Society took issue with some of the facts put forward by Joe Bischoff in his article entitled ‘What’s All the Buzz About’. That could have been a good he said/she piece but then I looked out the window…

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and there is a light breeze with spring azures racing about. It’s an all around perfect day but not for debate. Days like this are meant for enjoying our gardens. Time to smell the roses or whatever is flowering. This is what we do it for, the weeding and watering and planting and pruning.  My inspiration was right here all the time. Take a walk with me…

The Quaker Ladies are just going to seed after a spectacularly long season of color. The Eastern Red Columbine was covered with orange-red flowers attracting our season’s first hummingbirds.

Viola ‘Silver Gem’ is finding her way into the cracks and crevasses of the natural stone we have in our back yard.

The Coneflowers are all just beginning to bloom. It didn’t take long for the bees and butterflies to find them. I have some in a vase beside on my desk. They last forever.

'Moerheim Beauty' Sneezeweed attracts butterflies and other pollinators and is surprisingly rabbit resistant and I have proof. Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail, Peter and their whole damn family live in our garden.

The fire pit area had a tremendous show of Columbine all spring and the Black-eyed Susans will take over in just a week or two along with ‘Major Wheeler' Trumpet Honeysuckle. Threadleaf Bluestar’s golden foliage will be on fire in the autumn sun.

‘Tiger Eyes’ staghorn sumac has been a favorite plant of mine since a co-worker and friend selected it at Bailey Nurseries.  Look at that color!

Blueberries with an under planting of Green and Gold – the ultimate ground cover for shady areas.

Short Toothed Mountain Mint is under used and under loved! It blooms for weeks on end and is an extraordinarily good source of nectar for smaller types of butterflies and a host of other insects. I use the silvery foliage in bunches of flowers I pick for the house.

The Fort is a work in progress. We thought of it last summer while we were trying to eat dinner outside and were being eaten alive by mosquitos. Now we can have our dinner and watch the fireflies too. Forts are never not fun!

Bringing life to your garden!

Have fun out there, Peggy Anne